One of the things that can make social network marketing fail for your small business would be your inability to cover all of the bases for applying it. This means expanding and providing content and notices about your site through the various channels that people use when accessing social media.
It would be best if you realized that you have to cover a lot of ground when it comes to social networks. The social networks nowadays have so many features and capabilities that you would definitely have to step up your game or risk being overshadowed by your competitors' social network marketing efforts.
You only need to become conscious of just how big Farmville is on Facebook to realize that one of the newest reasons people go to social networking sites is to play games. As such, it may be critical for you to put your business in that market as well.
You would be able to do this in 2 ways. The first one would be to develop your own game and hope that people would pick it up. The other would be to try and get an advertisement for your small business into one of the more popular games.
Multimedia posts:
Another way to cover all of the bases for social network marketing would be to include posts that use the different media. You could use photo slide shows, video presentations, and even audio clips to promote your brand.
Of course, to be able to do this, you may need some help. After all, while everyone can probably write articles or blog posts, not all would create games or video presentations. As such, it would be important to partner with a company that would be able to develop all of these things for you if you would want to truly cover all the bases when it comes to social network marketing.