The evolving landscape of Search Engines

Back in the mid to late 90s, when people talked

The evolving landscape of Search Engines

Posted on: February 15, 2012
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Back in the mid to late 90s, when people talked search engine, the usual names that would pop up are,,, AltaVista, and yahoo. It may be weird to think about it, as some of these sites are virtually unknown now, but these were the famous brands at that time. Today’s market leader, Google, had not yet been the ubiquitous brand that it is today. This underscores the ever-evolving landscape of search engines today. What may be the top site today may soon change in the future. Perhaps, this is even why even Microsoft is repackaging their MSN Live search function or why Yahoo is continuously adding new features to its search engine. For businesses looking into internet marketing, what would this all mean? Well, for one thing, it means that they could not just sit on their laurels once they have launched a successful search engine optimization campaign.  This is because while the company’s sites may rank well in a certain search engine, only time will tell if this leading search engine would remain at the top. This evolving landscape is a good reason for outsourcing search engine optimization services. Through outsourcing, the company would hire people who are always up to date about the latest trends concerning search engine marketing and search engines in general. They would be better equipped to handle the adjustments needed to meet the changing times as they know what sites to target, which search engines are the best to utilize, and other details related to these. With the help of an outsourced search engine optimization firm, you can help guarantee that your business would still be on top despite the rapidly changing internet marketing environment.

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